Cleeves Primary School
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Medical and Health Care


The School Nurse and nurse assistants checks the height and weight of all P1 entrants. Selected children have a routine medical examination in the first year. P7 pupils have a vision test and health review. Vision checks can be made at any time on request from school with parental consent. Arrangements may also be made for dental checks at certain stages. P1 and P2 pupils brush their teeth after lunch each day.
Parents are requested to give their consent to medical and dental examinations and it is important that the school is made aware of any medical condition affecting a child. When a child has an accident in school or falls ill during school hours, it is most important that parents are contacted without delay.
 "Emergency Contact" information is kept updated in each pupil’s electronic records. The information supplied by parents / carers should contain the name and address of any person, other than the parent, who could be notified of a child's sickness, should the parent not be available for any reason. It is essential that a telephone contact is given and that these numbers are kept updated.
If any child is suffering serious effects of an accident or illness, medical help will be obtained immediately and the parent informed of the action taken.
Parents are requested to ensure that the school is notified immediately of any change which occurs in the information supplied in the "Emergency Contact" or “Medical Information” forms as the session progresses.
Minor cuts and scrapes which occur in the playground will be dealt with by a designated first aider, but parents must realise that professional medical care is not available in school. Parents of any children who require medicine during the course of the school day should inform the head teacher so that appropriate forms are completed and arrangements made.
Please examine your child’s hair on a regular basis. School staff / nurse can offer advice on the treatment of head lice should that be necessary.